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Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory
Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory by Alan R. Templeton

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory book download

Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory Alan R. Templeton ebook
Page: 716
ISBN: 0471409510, 9780471409519
Format: pdf
Publisher: Wiley-Liss

Publisher: Wiley-Liss Page Count: 716. Introductory guide to human population genetics and microevolutionary theoryProviding an introduction to mathematical population genetics, Human Population Genetics gives basic background on the mechanisms of human microevolution. For example, the transilience model of Templeton (class III), genetic revolution model of Mayr (class IV) or the frozen plasticity theory of Flegr (class V), suggests that adaptive evolution in sexual species is operative shortly after the emergence .. Introductory guide to human population genetics and microevolutionary theory. Scope and Basic Premises of Population Genetics. During this time, three figures from theoretical population genetics stand out; Ronald. Excessive reliance on elegant population genetic theory can lead one astray just as excessive reliance on economic theory can. While the population of an elastic species (class IV and V theories) returns to its original phenotype within a few generations and a population of microevolutionary frozen species (class III theories) stays near the original optimum all the time. Language: English Released: 2006. Due to positive mentions from readers and friends I finally got Alan Templeton's Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory. GO Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory Author: Alan R. The nature of things is such Much of the formal theory of classical evolutionary genetics, which crystallized in the years before World War II, is now gaining renewed relevance because of empirical testability in the era of big data and big computation. Format(s): PDF Language: English. lj元ページ. 【目次】. And the math isn't THAT tough (you don't need to go through the derivations in detail anyway). Modeling Evolution and the Hardy-Weinberg Law. Human Population Genetics - John H. PART I:POPULATION STRUCTURE AND HISTORY. The dominance of favored mutations in wild populations, or the recessive character of deleterious ones in laboratory stock, may reflect the different regimes which these two genes pools are subject to. Population Genetics and Microevolutionary TheoryThe advances made possible by the development of molecular techniques have in recent years revolutionized quantitative genetics and its relevance for population genetics.

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